C Programming
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Dynamic memory allocation in C Language using calloc() function
Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation in C Language using free() function
Dynamic memory re-allocation in C Language using realloc() function
Array of pointers in C Language
Passing pointers to functions in C Language
Dynamic memory allocation in C Language using malloc() function
Arithmetic operations on Pointers in C Language
Pass Multidimensional Arrays to a Function in C Language
Program to find factorial of a number in C Language
Program to calculate the sum of array elements by passing to a function
C program to find the sum of two matrices of order 2x2
Program to read a string from user
gets() and puts() functions in C Language
String operations in C Language
Simple program to demonstrate function declaration, definition and call
Array as argument in C Language
Program to implement Fibonacci series using C Language
C program to store temperature of two cities of a week and display it.
Program to implement do-while loop in C Language
Program to demonstrate usage of "continue" in C Language
Program to demonstrate usage of "goto" in C Language
Program to implement while loop in C Language
Program to implement for loop in C Language
Program to find even number using if in C Language
Program to identify even and odd numbers using if else in C Language
Program to implement condition using "switch" in C Language
Program to implement condition using "nested switch" in C Language
Program to demonstrate working of sizeof operators in C Language
Program to show usage of Assignment Operator in C Language
Program to find largest among three numbers using "if else" in C Language
Program to implement condition using "if else" in C Language
Program to calculate the simple interest using if else in C Language
Program using math library functions in C Language
Program to implement condition using "if" in C Language
Program to calculate the simple interest in C Language
C program to find largest among two numbers using ternary operator
Program to demonstrate working of bitwise operators in C Language
Program to demonstrate working of unary increment and decrement operators in C Language
Unary operators in C Language
Simple program to demonstrate use of comments and main function.
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